NS Healthcare Hero: Adam White
“I would like to nominate Adam White. Adam is an Advanced Care Paramedic working out of Milford! If you’ve had to call 911 in Milford or the surrounding areas more than once in the past 10 years, there’s a good chance you’ve met Adam. Adam has been a paramedic in NS for over 10 years, and did firefighting prior to this.
You’d know it was him by the excellent care you or your family receives, or, of course, by his wicked moustache (witnessed pre-masks!). Adam has the ability to put a room at ease like I’ve never seen before; incredibly stressful situations feel a little less so when he’s around. He’s able to use his wicked sense of humour to make people feel comfortable without ever toeing the line, and is just one of the kindest and most genuine human beings I’ve met. Those traits combined with his smarts make for one hell of a paramedic. It’s almost not fair!
Adam readily shares his knowledge with others; whether through taking students, or explaining things to other medics should they ask. As a newer paramedic, I feel very thankful to work with him. He always takes the time to discuss things I bring up in ways I can understand, and I never feel stupid for asking questions. I was nervous to take a term position in Milford with him while his longtime partner was completing her LifeFlight training (the one and only Joan MacNeil!), but he made me feel welcome and like part of the team.
Milford base has its quirks, like being notorious for shift overrun. Adam has a high school sweetheart (20 years and counting!) and three adorable little kids at home. Over the years he’s missed many bedtimes, hockey games, and other family events in service of his community. We try to make the most of the long days, and thankfully there’s a lot of laughs to be had in our truck. We are all so fortunate to have him as a member of our team, and, although I can see the small eye roll and hear the “Aw, well gee thanks buddy” now, I feel incredibly lucky to have him as a partner. Thanks for always having our backs, buddy! You’re one of a kind.”
- This nomination was sent in by Kathleen Nowen