NS Healthcare Hero: Alyson MacPhee

I would like to nominate my sister-in-law, who has become more like my real sister after many, many years. Alyson MacPhee is a sister, sister-in-law, wife, daughter, granddaughter, friend, cousin, niece but above all of that she is a Registered Nurse. I say above all of that she is an RN because not only does she take care of the patients lucky enough to have her but she also takes care of everyone in our family and everyone she comes into contact with. 

I think of what it would take to be a nurse and know that she has every quality and more to be excellent at helping the sick heal. She is on the hospital floor day and night for hours upon hours saving lives. Aly is one of those people that was born to be a nurse. She was born to save. To aid. To hold. To help. To teach. To inspire. It’s who she is. She’s the one you call when you’re in a jam. She’ll drop everything for you. 

Whenever I have the smallest ailment I call 911 Aly. If I worry because I took an allergy pill and a Tylenol, if I think I have a tick on me, when I wonder why I have a headache that won’t go away, or if I have a heart palpitation. And then sometimes, life gets real. And when it does, it happens quickly. My mother-in-law was recently diagnosed with leukemia. Before she received the diagnosis we knew something was wrong. I dialled my sister and explained her symptoms. Aly asked what has changed about her personality because that’s how you can really tell what someone is fighting in their body. Aly instantly and calmly told us what the possibilities might be. I am fortunate for her to prepare us for the Cancer diagnosis. If it had been a shock I don’t think we could have handled it. Through the chemo, transfusions, transplant, and ups and downs Aly has been there for us to ask any questions and check on how my mother-in-law is doing

To put it bluntly she knows her stuff. She is a highly trained professional who is patient and kind. Aly always focuses on the needs of others and dedicates her life (without even realizing it) to care for anyone who comes her way. She is an angel on earth and doesn’t know it. 

Aly has not been able to have a bubble family in NS because of the increase of her exposure to COVID at the hospital. I can’t wait until I can hug my sister and tell her how thankful I am for her! I attached a picture of her from last month (the last time I saw her), when she was on her way home from work and came to blow us a kiss.

  • This nomination was sent in by Katelyn MacPhee

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