NS Healthcare Hero: Brian Harris

“You only get one chance to make a first impression. And your first impression of paramedic Brian Harris is ‘Wow, this guy is the real deal and he truly cares about his profession and the people that he meets.’ Brian’s home base is here in Dartmouth.

I first met Brian in high school in Fredericton, NB where we shared classes together. After graduation we went our separate ways… only to meet again by chance here in Nova Scotia 7 years ago. We have been inseparable ever since.

Professionally, Brian is very passionate about his career as an intermediate care paramedic. It is a profession that for almost 30 years he begins and ends every shift giving everything he has for every patient he attends. He treats every single one the same way he would want his family members to be treated. He has helped deliver new babies as they take their first breathe and celebrated with the family. He has also held the hand and brought comfort to your loved one as they’ve taken their last breathe when you could not be there.

Brian’s kindness and compassion to those he has treated is acknowledged by many of the medics in his profession. He is the first one to step up and share his experiences, skills and knowledge with new medics as they experience the highs and lows of such a demanding yet rewarding career. They look to him for advice, support and encouragement. Long shifts, over time, no breaks—and during a time that our health care system is suffering from exhaustion—and yet he gives 100% to every patient, family member and health care worker he comes in contact with. Anyone you speak with will tell you that Brian has the biggest heart and also the best sense of wit you’ll ever see. Guaranteed you’ll have a good belly laugh when he is around! He cares about every one of his coworkers and he is the first to step up and support them professionally and also on a personal level.

Personally, Brian has been incredible blending our family of 5 children and their partners. Throughout his professional years, when not at work he could be found coaching hockey, baseball, the dirt bike track or volunteering at community events. Recently he has jumped in with both feet as ‘horse show dad’ and is the biggest cheerleader in the crowd! He wears many hats for our family, and he wears them well.

Almost a year ago, I was diagnosed with Stage 3 cancer. Brian has been my rock and an incredible supporter and caregiver for our family and I. During a time that, because of our current pandemic I was not always able to have a support person at many of my appointments, Brian was solid letting me lean on him for help with my care at home. Throughout my diagnosis, chemo treatments, major surgery and upcoming radiation treatments, he has never faltered. His care and compassion for me when our family and I needed him has been incredible. Even after a long and mentally and physically exhausting shift, he comes home and takes care of our whole family. If it needs to be done, he gets it done.

Brian continues to put the needs of other people ahead of his own needs. Although every medic is deserving, I cannot think of anyone who is more deserving of a Healthcare Heroes award. Being a first responder is not for everyone and he has dedicated almost 30 years of taking care of each patient he meets with his whole heart. He’s very modest about this and says that he still loves his job. Your first impression of Brian you will see a kind and compassionate man that treats everyone with empathy and respect and we appreciate him every day. I hope you will consider him for one of your grants.”

  • This nomination was sent in by Tanya Giles

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