NS Healthcare Hero: Brianna Cameron
“Brianna Cameron is a primary care paramedic. She has been working full time in County Harbour since May of 2021. She is 21 years old and is the hardest as well as smartest worker I know!
She spends all of her time working and saving people’s lives, risking her own in the process. She remains confident, caring and compassionate in spite of all the unimaginable things she has seen.
Brianna is a very caring, and compassionate person as she always takes over time to help as many people as she can! Every day of this crisis she puts her health and safety at risk by serving on the front lines.
She puts herself at risk to help the most vulnerable among us. Brianna is truly a healthcare hero! All first responders deserve recognition, but I hope you choose Brianna Cameron as your healthcare hero.”
- This nomination was sent in by Katie Malcolm