NS Healthcare Hero: Colyn MacLellan

“Colyn MacLellan is an RN at the Inverary Manor, a long term care facility in Inverness, NS. Like most RNs, her job has changed to accommodate new COVID hygiene guidelines. Diligent hygiene, sanitizing, masking and screening are all part of a regular work day. Added to an already busy day, she tries to keep the residents entertained and keep their spirits up where they are not able to have regular visitors.

She sometimes has to be her patients’ confidant, their friend and family. She has had to hold the hands of residents who were sick and dying when restrictions did not allow family to be there. She has helped residents Skype and Facetime so that their loved ones can see them, and they can see their loved ones. At home, she and her husband Chisholm have 4 young boys. They attend the French Immersion program at the local school. Colyn is not French and so she has to learn along with them. She has to juggle shift work with home-schooling in these trying times. The boys are also involved in various sports – hockey, baseball, track & field, soccer, basketball. That means more juggling to an already overloaded schedule.
Living in a rural community, keeping her boys active means a lot of travel. In her spare time, Colyn likes to run and go to the gym. Keeping active is important to her mental and physical health. The value that a nurse such as Colyn adds to our community is immeasurable. We salute what you are doing and will continue to do. Thank you!”
  • This nomination was sent in by Sharon MacFarlane

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