NS Healthcare Hero: Erika Stubbert

“I am sitting here drinking my morning coffee and I am trying to formulate, process and construct the appropriate wording for you to feel the immense impact that I can only hope you will feel when reading what I have to say about this absolutely incredibly individual and the profound amount of respect and admiration I have for her both as a friend, a colleague and as my my full time work partner.

Erika is an advanced care paramedic for EHS. She works out of North Sydney, and currently resides in the Dominion area with her better half and two beautiful children. Aside from her super powers as an incredible mother, friend, and daughter to Kristine and George Stubbert, she is by far one of the most inspiring individuals I have ever had the pleasure to work with. I like to consider myself an intelligent and competent paramedic, but this woman’s drive, compassion, and knowledge base is something I can only aspire to achieve.

Erika demonstrates everything great that this profession offers, she is brilliant to start, compassionate and caring and her empathy knows no bounds. She has a heart the size of a watermelon and it solely beats for the lucky members of her family and friends and for all the lucky members of each surrounding community she serves.

I know it is hard sometimes to find the words to express how one feels, and looking for the ones that demonstrate your opinion accurately. There isn’t words that have enough impact when I try to describe how special this woman is and the amount of skill, knowledge, heart, soul and dedication she brings to the table every shift and delivers to every patient.

If I was running EHS I would and could only hope to have 1 million employees just like her. This woman deserves every bit of acknowledgement I could offer and I sincerely hope you consider her for this award and I pray that if you are ever in need of a paramedic you have the opportunity to meet this incredible woman during your time of need. I hope after reading this, all your worries about loved ones are at ease knowing this monarch of knowledge and excellence is locally caring for your loved ones in the most compassionate and caring way and expecting nothing in return. She is truly the most genuine soul I have ever met.”

  • This nomination was sent in by Paul Cogan

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