NS Healthcare Hero: Graeme Cheney

“Graeme Cheney—he’s not only our nomination for Healthcare Hero, but one of our best friends.

Graeme is an advanced care paramedic working out of Truro. What sets him apart is his genuine character. When asked, coworkers describe him as: kind, compassionate, selfless, empathetic and resourceful. As an ACP, those that call to him are fortunate to have him arrive on scene to help. He is the calm amongst the chaos and he takes the time to get to know his patients and their families, often making patients feel better and more at ease. When appropriate, usually fixing them with laughter. Graeme speaks up and advocates for his patients as if they were his own family. He is a mentor to students and new paramedics alike.

He has an infectious personality, he’s always smiling and laughing. Whether it’s in a base on the little down time we get, in the truck driving to calls, on scene with patients and their family, or in a hospital hallway full of paramedics waiting with their patients for a bed. You can usually spot him with his wild hair, headbands and smile. Aside from working on the ambulance Graeme is a phenomenal father to two young boys, a 5 year old who just celebrated his birthday and a soon to be 2 year old.

If you were to ask any of his colleagues, friends, family or patients they’d tell you Graeme is the definition of “Healthcare Hero.” He goes above and beyond to hold an elderly patient’s hand when they’re upset, bring “Bearamedics” to kids when they’re sick, or just listen when someone needs to talk.”

  • This nomination was sent in by Alicia Lynds

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