NS Healthcare Hero: Kim Bullen
“First, I’d like to introduce myself to you. My name is Trayci Metzger, I’m 40 years old and I unfortunately have a chronic illness that requires me to be in the hospital three times a week for a 4 hour (minimum) treatment. I have been doing this for almost 2 straight years and I’ve met a lot of amazing frontline healthcare workers along the way, but a few have stood out and treated me like a part of the family with unwavering care and respect.
The team in ambulatory care at the Cumberland Health Center is above and beyond the best team I’ve ever seen and one individual has made some huge impacts on my life. She is my hero and her name is Kim Bullen, RN.
She’s been by my side and supported me for so many huge life changes, from finally coming to terms with my condition, multiple surgery recoveries, assisting me in access to mental health, convincing me of all the positive changes a portacath would make to my pain and overall life.
Another thing Kim has done for me is provide a sense of safety for my young daughter, my family knows rain or shine no matter what someone in my community is here as support, she knows me better than anyone, she has been the most important and constant safety in this scary medical journey, the world needs more people like her. In short, I find it hard to come up with the words to explain how wonderful she is as a nurse and a human but HERO is the best description!”
- This nomination was sent in by Trayci Metzger