NS Healthcare Hero: Lisa Smith Dixon
“I would like to nominate Lisa Smith Dixon she has been a paramedic in Pictou County and surrounding areas for 14 years. Lisa is also the proud mother of 2 beautiful daughters, and a soon-to-be a grandmother.
When she’s not occupied with work or hanging out with her girls and amazing husband James, Lisa has been known to venture into the love of small animal farming. I have known Lisa almost my entire life, so it’s not surprising that her love for people had been her career of choice. When Lisa isn’t wearing her superhero cape as a paramedic, you will see her in her other uniform as a firefighter with the West River Fire Department. More often than not, Lisa is fighting fires and responding to medical calls.
Lisa has been very active in her family’s lives and being a mom is the most important uniform she wears, It’s not very hard to tell how selfless she is. She is the most unselfish person I know, and that’s just one of the many traits that make her such an amazing medic. Throughout her 14 years as a paramedic Lisa has shown up for a lot people on their hardest days, during their saddest moments, and has gave it her all to save lives. After a long day as a medic she would go home and give it her all as a wife, mother and friend.
Lisa has held many hands, dressed many wounds, in people of all ages, taken countless sets of vitals, provided reassurance to so many patients and their families, I have heard many rumours over the years that it was Lisa who could reassure a scared child and make them feel like everything was going to be okay. With no doubt she has witnessed things that most of us can’t even begin to imagine, nor would we want to. Lisa has such a passion for helping other people and she takes great pride in being a paramedic. Our province is incredibly blessed to have Lisa.”
- This nomination was sent in by Heather Munro Jollimore