NS Healthcare Hero: Madison Waterfield
“I’d like to nominate Madison Waterfield for the healthcare hero campaign. Madison and I have become very close since going to PCP school together almost 2 years ago. We went through every step together even hiring! She has accomplished so much since then. She worked part time in the military while attending PCP school and raised her two babies. Which most of you know the PCP program isn’t the easiest. She as accomplished and overcome so much and I am so proud of her.
Madison has been a primary care paramedic for almost 2 years. Madison gives her patients the upmost respect and compassion on every call she answers. Madison has also received many thank you letters from her patients. I often see patients eyes light up from her being so kind even when the healthcare system is exhausted. Madison is the sunshine on a rainy day for most of her patients (and me, too).
I hope you consider her for this campaign as there’s nobody else I would rather nominate. She is absolutely amazing at what she does. Madison never lets a bad or busy day get in the way of giving the absolute best patient care. I am so lucky to grow so close to her over these last 3 years. Again, I could go on and on about how amazing she is but this nomination would never come to an end.”
- This nomination was sent in by Jessica Herridge