NS Healthcare Hero: Michelle Wheelhouse

“I would like to nominate Michelle Wheelhouse, a tremendous lady that has been working throughout all this Crisis in the NSHA.

She is a Medical Social Worker at the Cape Breton Regional Hospital. She has consistently demonstrated staying positive, listening, as well as being there for staff and families when in need. The mental stress for staff, families, patients is a serious part of this pandemic in the healthcare system. Especially within our hospitals and communities.

I personally know Michelle as we played hockey together for many many years in our younger days. She is a true soul that loves her Island and there is nothing stopping her and what she can do for our health care system. She is upbeat, hungry, positive, team orientated and goes above and beyond for others.

The video that made me want to nominate Michelle Wheelhouse was made for the staff at the NSHA and the community (so not just Cape Breton). Michelle, along with team members, made this video to boost morale across the province because that is a part of her job and that’s what Medical Social Workers do. They are always providing support to the staff and the community and this was just one example of that.”

Check out the video!

  • This nomination was sent in by Stacia Peters

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