NS Healthcare Heroes
As we wrap up our Healthcare Heroes Campaign, we’re celebrating great nominations without photos! Thank you for sharing positive stories during COVID-19. Congratulations to these nominees:
“I would like to nominated Kelsey MacDonald and the women of Cobble Stone Cottage at the RK MacDonald Nursing Home. It take a special kind of person to be a CCA as its physically and emotionally demanding. The compassion and care the residents receive from her and her coworkers is truly amazing. The biggest reward to them is the smiles of gratitude on their residents faces. They are without a doubt true healthcare heroes.”
- This nomination was sent in by Leroy Dort
“I wish to nominate Karen Hall. She is hard working and dedicated to those she cares for. There is no task too difficult for her to accomplish and no face too sad for her to bring cheer. She is the face of caring.”
- This nomination was sent in by Romona Bolt