NS Healthcare Heroes

As we wrap up our Healthcare Heroes Campaign, we’re celebrating great nominations without photos! Thank you for sharing positive stories during COVID-19. Congratulations to these nominees:

  • Megan Frank nominated her mother and coworker, Sue Peterson—they both work at the Windsor Elms Village as CCAs
  • Brittany Keddy nominated the recreation team at Shannex Blomidon Court in Greenwich, Nova Scotia
  • Elaine MacRae nominated Claudine Landry who is an RN at the same facility
  • Cathay Morash nominated Kathleen Robinson who works for Northwood Manor
  • Shelley Eisenhauer nominated Stacey McLean who works for Northwood Manor
  • Sheila Mills nominated her daughter-in-law who is a full-time working mom with the VON
  • Courtney Strba nominated her mom Yvonne Strba has been an RN for over 30 years
  • Leona Roach Morris nominated her sister in law Sheri Roderick Roach. She is an RN with the NSHA and teaches classes at Dal
  • Shelley Dyer nominated Katie Macdonald and the staff at the pharmacy at Shoppers Drug Mart, Prince St, Sydney

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