NS Healthcare Hero: Tiffany MacInnis

Tiffany received a nominations from two different people!

Nomination #1: “I want to nominate Tiffany MacInnis, home care worker, for your Healthcare Heroes contest. She always put her clients’ needs first. When the COVID pandemic started she did not hesitate to continue to serve her clients. Many of these clients live in rural communities and have no one else to check on them. This is very appreciated by her usual clients. They tell me she is compassionate, efficient, and cares about them. Thank you AA Munro!”

Nomination #2: “I’m a disabled senior living alone and rely on caregivers to help me live independently at home. Tiffany MacInnis gets up at sunrise and clocks hundreds of kilometres in snow, rain, and ice to show up my door along with all the continuing care assistants, (CCA’s), highly trained professionals who work for the Antigonish and Area Home Care Agency. These workers travel alone and go into all kinds of situations and deal with complex and diverse needs. One minute Tiffany might be helping someone put on elastic stockings, another time she might be making my breakfast, or helping me shower. When people think of continuing care, they only think of long term care but they forget about people like Tiffany. When she comes to work, she is always cheerful, professional and goes beyond the call of duty to make sure that my needs are met. She often has thoughtful, innovative solutions to help make my life easier. She does all this while raising her own family. She works early morning, late nights, weekends, Christmas Days, New Years Eve, away from her family, serving her community with care and compassion. Hurrah for all the CCAs who travel into homes and a special shout-out to Tiffany MacInnis, CCA exemplar. She and all other front-line home care workers are the forgotten heroes of the pandemic. Tiffany , like all home care workers travels alone , making less money then her counterparts in a hospital, and with less job security, yet if you ask her, why she does it, she will tell you humbly and simply, “for my clients. I love helping people stay at home.” We need more people to understand the sacrifices and hard work of front-line Continuing Care Assistants that provide professional, personal care to the disabled and seniors living at home though they are under-staffed, under-valued and never offered full-time jobs. It”s time we realized caregivers like Tiffany MacInnis make a huge contribution to our community and have never been publicly acknowledged in the pandemic. Even despite this, Tiffany shows up at my door. Even when she is tired, or one of her own children needs care, Tiffany shows up my door. I salute Tiffany! She’s my hero!”

  • These nominations were sent in by Gloria MacKinnon and a client who wished to remain anonymous

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